Lowri Feild
Creative and Therapeutic Artist
The Big Bad Wolf: Odyssey, Hijinx Theatre Company

This was a group project in collaboration with Odyssey, Hijinx, a theatre group for young people with learning disabilities.
We produced a life-size wolf puppet for their Christmas show called 'Hansel, Gedeon and the Grimms' wood. The puppet was brought to life with a cast member manoeuvring the puppet's head and jaw, whilst another moved the wolf's legs. The wolf was then able to walk on the stage and become life-like.
As the wolf was the villain of the show, we focused on making him look gruesome and uninviting. We did this by adding layers of ruffled scrap fabric for his fur, large sharp teeth and a wounded stitched stomach. Pupils at Ysgol Y Deri also contributed to the design of the puppet, inspiring us to add glowing red eyes and an LGBTQ rainbow tooth.
Listen to the audio track about the puppet project with Odyssey, Hinjinx
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