Lowri Feild
Creative and Therapeutic Artist
Arts in Health, Open Call:
Growth in Gratitude

Open-Call was an art project in partnership with Garth (Gwent Arts in Health), to bring more life and comfort to the public spaces at St Woolice hospital. The relationship between healthcare and the natural world was at the heart of the project, with an emphasis on it's medical properties and nature's ability to provide a space for growth and wellbeing.
The artwork involves a digital black and white photograph with a pop of colour and pressed flowers.
Having had the opportunity to work within the NHS, I was inspired by the hard work and dedication demonstrated by our selfless healthcare workers. Within the photograph, an NHS employee is painting wildflowers; Red Campion a flower that has contributed to many medicines over the years and bluebells, a symbol of gratitude, something that we innately associate with our incredible healthcare service. The photo highlights that the care from the NHS doesn't go unnoticed, similarly, to spring flowers and is a gentle reminder of the vibrance, positivity and colour they bring to our lives.
Listen to the audio track about the Arts in Health, Open Call project
Click on Circles to Enlarge Photographs.