Lowri Feild
Creative and Therapeutic Artist
Body Sculptures.

Growing up as a young woman in today's body-image obsessed society can be pretty daunting. We are constantly bombarded by Instagram influencers and reality TV stars telling us how we should look. The 'hour-glass' body, 'thigh gap', 'thin waist but big curves' are just some of the unrealistic expectations women are faced with, upon social media, on a daily basis.
The impact on our well-being is detrimental and therefore, I decided to create sculptures that were based on real, unfiltered bodies. I gathered a small group of friends who were willing to pose in the nude with the intention to capture bodies in their most raw form. This became an empowering experience where imperfections and insecurities were celebrated and turned into pieces of artwork. The sculptures were varied in size and form, capturing uneven skin texture such as roles, skinfolds and bumps. These sculptures celebrate the different shapes and forms of women's bodies.
The sculptures were exhibited at the University of South Wales Court yard, on plinths in the middle of a flower-bed.
Listen to the audio track about the body sculptures.
Click on Circles to Enlarge Photographs.