Lowri Feild
Creative and Therapeutic Artist
Bodringallt Primary School




I am currently working with children with SEBD at Bodringallt primary school, in between the ages of 8 to 11 years old. These sessions take place on Wednesday afternoon, a time dedicated to nurturing participant's health and wellbeing.
Within my sessions, I intend on inviting participants into a relaxed, non-judgemental environment. Mindfulness art-based activities have become a new element to my practice, where I encourage individuals to be in the present moment. Activities such as drawing the breath, creating breathing wands and gratitude trees have taken place. These are simple yet, effective activities which the children can practice and integrate into their everyday lives.
The school term's theme, 'Kingdoms' was also addressed. Participants created dioramas, featuring their own 'Kingdoms' where they got the opportunity to explore sensory materials such as clay, different fabrics and recycled objects as part of forming their own world. The creation of their Kingdoms were developed over a period of four weeks, concentrating on their artistic identies, self-esteem and imagination.