Lowri Feild
Creative and Therapeutic Artist
Llandough Hospital




My second year placement took place on a Stroke Rehabilitation ward at Llandough Hospital, over a course of eight weeks.
The workshops offered participants a space in which they could temporarily take their minds off their illness, physical impairments and anxieties.
Nature became a predominant theme, which inspired the use of natural materials. These gave them a sensory experience, uniting participants with the outside world, beyond the walls of the hospital. This was important for participants with stroke who had been hospitalised for a long period of time.
The afternoon workshops involved creating crafts and gifts, giving participants a sense of purpose and meaning. This encouraged social inclusion, as participants had the opportunity to share their gifts with others, whether that may have been a family member visiting or a member of staff.
Participant's artwork were celebrated in an artbook and sessions ran from December 2019 to February 2020.